Movie Reviews, Movies, Random thoughts and ramblings


How is it that almost every iteration of a Batman movie brings me such joy?

The latest one, was a definite return to the Grim/Dark detective. The whole movie felt right.

My first Batman movie was the perfection that Tim Burton/ Michael Keaton/ Jack Nicholson brought to the world. While I’d watched the Adam West TV show, it was something to fill in time for me, it never felt as good as the comics did and to be honest I often hated it.

I fell in love with Christian Bale’s Batman. Ok I’ll be honest, I had a crush on Bale before I saw Batman Begins… I’d seen Equilibrium three times by then, but his Batman was sooo good. However I fell out of love with the movie batmans when Snyder got involved.

Don’t get me wrong, Affleck was an effective Batman, as much as Cavill was an effective Superman, I just didn’t like the way Snyder took the story. Personal preference, that’s all.

Pattinson’s Batman felt like a return to where Batman should be – the shadows. Although I was really sad that he didn’t take up Selina’s invitation to knock over a few CEO’s….