Movie Reviews, Random thoughts and ramblings

The Eternals Movie… A Short Review

I love a good story. I love great characters and the interactions between them. I love a Happy-For-Now ending, because it gives me more of the things I love to look forward to.

The Eternals gave me all that.

And I love it.

Eternals took me away from the crapness of my day-to-day life and allowed me to believe that there is more to life and this world than just existing.

This is what a Fantasy story (be it science based or magic based) is meant to do. It dredges away the nastiness of the soul that accumulates from the shit of life and allows it to shine again

Believe me, before I watched it, if Tiamat was really about to suck my life force out, I would have said “here, have it”.

The Movie wasn’t a brilliant success because it deviated from the usual MCU story line, A.K.A. “big bad appears, humans fight back and fail, humans regroup, fight again and win”.

This time it was about what makes a human, human. The lives that we lead, the little things that are good that we do. And it wasn’t about humans saving the world (we are so self-centred as a race!)

It was about another race of beings becoming human-like and saving us because they could see the good and the bad in us. And the good in us outweighed the bad.

And it was that that saved me (again) from myself.

The reminder, that despite the narcissitic dictators waging wars, despite the money-grabbing politicians only thinking of their tiny bubble of a life as important, there are good people on this planet and that they are a part of the planet itself.

I find myself renewed and inspired. Thank you MCU.

Oh and to all those Marvel “fans” out there, who will immediately jump down my throat because my opinion and the movie itself doesn’t fit their preconcieved visions of what the MCU should be like….

Open your eyes. Read more (not just the same thing over and over again) – and think about those around you, the society we live in and the tiny ball of rock hurtling through space that we live on.

Educate yourself. You might discover that you are much more than the narrow being you allow yourself to be.