Author & Muse, children, Creativity, illustration, My Work, Puff, Random thoughts and ramblings, The Land Far Away, Thoughts, writing

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Diversification Idea Musing... feel free to comment or ignore as you like... This is something that has been growing steadily since the summer. As you know, Kira Morgana writes children's books and up until now, they've been illustrated by  Maria K. So I was playing around with one of my favourite short story forms last… Continue reading Enter a new Pseudonym?

books, hope, Horror, ideas, My Work, Random thoughts and ramblings, reading, Terry Pratchett, Thoughts, writing

Reading and it’s effect on Writing.

Going from the title, you might be fooled into thinking that I am going to regale you with a scholarly essay. You're in luck though...there's a reason that I hated English A Level... Actually, I just finished reading "Lies Sleeping" by Ben Aaronovitch. It was one of my christmas presents and all the way through… Continue reading Reading and it’s effect on Writing.

communication, Education, feelings, hope, Horror, kids, life, meditation, Politics, Random thoughts and ramblings, sunday, Thoughts, writing

Close your Eyes…

Close your eyes for a moment. Block out the noise from around you and engage your imagination. Done it? Good. Now I want you to imagine a Sunday at home. You and your family doing whatever it is that you normally do on a Sunday. Don’t tell me about it, it’s your world, your reality.… Continue reading Close your Eyes…