blogs, books, catching up, eBooks, editing, feelings, Hindsight, hope, lack of time

I Aten’t Finished…

My eventual inscription…

Sorry for that last post. Had a combination of pure frustration, and despair that most working parents can sympathise with!

If you read my other blog, then you’ll know that I am autistic and, unfortunately, when I have an episode of frustration and despair like that, the longer it goes on for, the more likely I am to have a meltdown.

And that’s what happened.

Of course, what you read isn’t anywhere near as bad as what happened in my house, but at least it didn’t happen at a public event!

So to catch you up with what’s going on, writing wise…

I am currently working on two WIPs.

The book that caused the meltdown is “Where are My Socks?” – I am having trouble with formatting. So having worked out how to do what I want to do, I can now get on with it.

The other book is “Daemon’s Will”. I am determined to get the first draft finished before the end of the year. The story is going really well now, but it’s going to need some serious editing.

My little Podcast…
Available on Spotify and YouTube if you want to listen!

I also have to catch up with my podcasts. I need to finish the video for episode two and record episode three. Then I have to organise episode four…

Episode Four is a big one because I am going to be interviewing another author, Sammy H. K. Smith, who wrote “Anna”, the book I reviewed a few posts back. I still haven’t figured out how to do that yet!

So I hope you will stick around and find out how it all goes!!