blogs, books, catching up, eBooks, editing, feelings, Hindsight, hope, lack of time

I Aten’t Finished…

My eventual inscription... Sorry for that last post. Had a combination of pure frustration, and despair that most working parents can sympathise with! If you read my other blog, then you'll know that I am autistic and, unfortunately, when I have an episode of frustration and despair like that, the longer it goes on for,… Continue reading I Aten’t Finished…

Autism and Aspergers, catching up, communication, depression, Hindsight, lack of time, moving, My Work, plans, Random thoughts and ramblings, Thoughtful, Thoughts, tidying, waiting

I sit surrounded by boxes as I type this…

What follows is me musing about the past in this house... and how I got to where I am today. I moved to this village 13 years and 6 months ago. Back then it was just my Fiance, me and our son. We had moved here because TOH had got a new job at a… Continue reading I sit surrounded by boxes as I type this…

Ahkoo and the Snafflewich, book, books, catching up, children, insomnia, kids, lack of time, life, Maria K, Maria Kuroshchepova, My Work, plans, publication, Quargard, Random thoughts and ramblings, reading, sleep, The Land Far Away, Thoughtful, Thoughts, writing

I’m so sleepy…

... so damn sleepy, I'm so sleepy and yawny and tired! I'm in need of tea, And lots of biscuits... And a nap would be really quite nice... *above is sung to the tune of "I'm so pretty"* TOH puts tea and biscuits in front of me. Ah. That's better. I've decided that my current… Continue reading I’m so sleepy…