blogs, books, catching up, eBooks, editing, feelings, Hindsight, hope, lack of time

I Aten’t Finished…

My eventual inscription... Sorry for that last post. Had a combination of pure frustration, and despair that most working parents can sympathise with! If you read my other blog, then you'll know that I am autistic and, unfortunately, when I have an episode of frustration and despair like that, the longer it goes on for,… Continue reading I Aten’t Finished…

animation, Audio, book, books, communication, Multimedia, My Work, Random thoughts and ramblings, Thoughts, video, writing

Multimedia Me…

Vlogging seems to be a huge thing at the moment - my son doesn't watch TV, he watches Youtube (specifically a bloke called Noble) and I don't think it will be that long before he attempts a video himself. Facebook is full of Artists, Authors, Musicians and others that adore using the FB Live function.… Continue reading Multimedia Me…