blogs, books, catching up, eBooks, editing, feelings, Hindsight, hope, lack of time

I Aten’t Finished…

My eventual inscription... Sorry for that last post. Had a combination of pure frustration, and despair that most working parents can sympathise with! If you read my other blog, then you'll know that I am autistic and, unfortunately, when I have an episode of frustration and despair like that, the longer it goes on for,… Continue reading I Aten’t Finished…

Autism and Aspergers, children, christmas, communication, concentration, confidence, crafting, family, Random thoughts and ramblings, silence, Thoughts, writing

As Satyulemas approaches…

...I start looking back at what has happened to me in a personal sense over the year.  This year has been one of the most stressful in my life. We started the year losing several of my favourite celebrities. Losing people familiar to me (even in a distant fashion) upsets and unbalances me. Then we… Continue reading As Satyulemas approaches…

Autism and Aspergers, communication, Random thoughts and ramblings, Thoughtful, Thoughts

Autism… not just for Children.

You'd be forgiven for thinking that Autism was something that was purely a child's "condition". This is mostly because we are all now hyper aware of  Autism, because of the research that has gone into it and the controversy around Vaccines (no, they DO NOT cause Autism) that hit the headlines and has been in… Continue reading Autism… not just for Children.