Movie Reviews, Random thoughts and ramblings

The Eternals Movie… A Short Review

I love a good story. I love great characters and the interactions between them. I love a Happy-For-Now ending, because it gives me more of the things I love to look forward to. The Eternals gave me all that. And I love it. Eternals took me away from the crapness of my day-to-day life and… Continue reading The Eternals Movie… A Short Review

blogs, catching up, child abuse, communication, confidence, depression, divorce, Dreams, family, Fantasy, feelings, Goals, growing up., happiness, Hindsight, life, Movies, Pfoxchase Publishing, pfoxmoor publishing, plans, Quotes, Thoughtful, Thoughts, wonder, writing

Homes, Memories, Hair and Feelings…

“A cottage, surrounded by trees with a stream nearby. Like one I used to know.” This line from the animated movie “A Flight of Dragons” sums up what I am looking for in a house. I want something warm and cosy. Homely and close to Nature in all her glory. A place that I can… Continue reading Homes, Memories, Hair and Feelings…