communication, Random thoughts and ramblings, Thoughtful, Thoughts

Poverty, Food and Politics…

Before I start, I want you to go and read this blog - believe me it's worth it! You may remember that  until a year ago, my family and I were considered Homeless by the local government. We'd been kicked out of the Privately Rented house that we'd lived in for 13 years; the… Continue reading Poverty, Food and Politics…

books, Random thoughts and ramblings, Thoughtful, Thoughts, writing

What’s the point?

I spend my days trying to write - I have to work around small children, big children, housework, appointments... nothing all that unusual really. There are authors who have full time jobs and still manage to publish books (whether trad or indie, it doesn't matter) at least once a year. I frequently come back to… Continue reading What’s the point?

A Beginning, book, books, christmas, competitions, father christmas, free book, happiness, ideas, kids, love, Magic, My Work, noelle pierce, presents, Quargard, Random thoughts and ramblings, reading, The Tower and The Eye, Thoughtful, Thoughts, writing, xmas gifts

Satyulemas is coming…

Mid-Winter is a tricky time of year for me. Firstly there's all that nonsense about Christmas being warred upon. People get up in arms about the strangest of things - who really cares what sort of paper cups that Starbucks is using? It's annoying and amusing at the same time. Then there's all the hoo-har… Continue reading Satyulemas is coming…