anthology, blogs, book, books, Cake and Quill, catching up, communication, concentration, confidence, crafting, Creativity, depression, design, Dreams, Education, feelings, happiness, hope, ideas, jobs, life, My Work, new book, New Stories, news, plans, Politics, Random thoughts and ramblings, self publishing, short stories, teaching, Thoughtful, Thoughts, websites, writing

Continuing Personal Development…

A while back I was feeling pretty unsuccessful.  I don't sell a lot of books and for some reason I equate the number of books that I do sell with my personal sense of achievement. That hasn't changed... I have. Since we moved to this town, I've been feeling very low and trying to write… Continue reading Continuing Personal Development…

Autism and Aspergers, catching up, communication, depression, Hindsight, lack of time, moving, My Work, plans, Random thoughts and ramblings, Thoughtful, Thoughts, tidying, waiting

I sit surrounded by boxes as I type this…

What follows is me musing about the past in this house... and how I got to where I am today. I moved to this village 13 years and 6 months ago. Back then it was just my Fiance, me and our son. We had moved here because TOH had got a new job at a… Continue reading I sit surrounded by boxes as I type this…

depression, Education, exercise, Hindsight, hope, kids, Random thoughts and ramblings, teaching, Thoughtful, Thoughts, weight

FAT. It’s a Fact of being HUMAN.

Fat is a particular type of cell in the human body. Some people have more of these cells than others. But everyone has them - even people who are so thin that you can see the shape of their skeleton through their skin. Fat cells are like balloons - they inflate and deflate according to… Continue reading FAT. It’s a Fact of being HUMAN.